(As a quick side note- one reason why I mainly love TpT is exactly what they say in their "tag line"...products FOR teachers, BY teachers. Growing up, my mom and dad cooked a lot, and they often times came across recipes that either consisted of crazy ingredients or were just totally unrealistic (10 cups of flour?!?! what?!?!). They always said, "I bet this book/recipe was made by someone who had never cooked a day in their life before!" I TOTALLY think that applies to many teaching items that I come across, too! Some worksheets or "activities" just make me stop, take a step back, and say REALLY?! I bet many of the hot-shot companies have creators, designers, and marketers that were never even in the education field! And so THAT'S why I LOVE TpT, because all the products are created by US, and we know what works and what does, what can be expected or pushed, and what's asking too much!)

Do any of you all do Teacher's Notebook?? It is pretty different from TpT, and I will admit (although I don't LIKE to admit this...) that I struggled a bit listing my first item. But, now that I've got the hang of it, I'm going to spend this weekend building my Teacher's Notebook store! And while I do it, I'm throwing a GRAND OPENING SALE! Everything will be 25% off! It's kind of a reward for putting up with me while I slowly add everything on there!
Other plans for the weekend include more of that lovely yard work....yes, front flower beds, I'm still coming for ya! (slowly but surely!) I've also got a list about ten feet long of things I want to put together to show you all and/or list on TpT and Teacher's Notebook. First up, compiling all my Robert Munsch things! I'm sure you're probably tired of hearing about it, but once I finish, I promise there will be more FREEBIES and GIVEAWAYS!
So what are your weekend plans? School stuff? Personal Stuff? Chores? I know whatever it is, at least for me, chances of getting it all done are slim to none! :) These weekends always just FLY by! So make the most of it, and HAPPY SATURDAY!