Tuesday, August 14, 2012
To Bin or Not To Bin...
Hokey title? Yes, I know.. :)
I honestly couldn't think of anything catchier. Probably a sign that it's time to head back to school so my "creative juices" will begin to flow once more!
Speaking of going back to school, I've been in the process of getting ready to head back to school. I'm in the process of cleaning, organizing, making new labels for things, and slowly putting my room back together for the new school year. (Remember my last post about my cord organization?!?) :)
One of the new things I'm going to try this year are table bins. I've honestly NEVER done it this way before, but I know SO many teachers (including most of my team) that do it this way, so I thought I'd give it a try! Of course, these super cute, colorful bins that I found at Hobby Lobby totally made me set on my decision to go full-on table bins!!!
So, what do you think? Aren't they adorable??!?
Like I said, I snagged them at Hobby Lobby. Then, of course, I had to fancy them up a bit with some white bows and a fun table number cut out from my brand new Silhouette Cameo! I'm pretty much in love with how they look. Now, if only I'll be in love with the practicality once school starts!
Anyone out there want to ease my worry? Do you use table bins? Have you tried them before? Still have them? Got rid of them? Ahhh! See, I'm full of questions here in my "uncharted" table bin "territory"!!! :) But I'd love to hear your thoughts (good or bad)! Happy Tuesday, almost Wednesday!
Saturday, August 11, 2012
What female DOESN'T love a sale?!? I mean seriously...have you EVER met a woman who didn't like to shop, much less, who didn't absolutely adore a SALE?!? I'm pretty sure it's just in our DNA...
And, that's why I'm SO SO SO excited to announce that I'm joining in on TpT's Back to School Sale this Sunday and Monday, August 12 & 13!!!
During this time, my TpT store will be 20% off! As if that's not fabulous enough, TpT has been amazingly generous, and donated another 10% off after my 20% discount! So, with the fancy, technical math, it comes to 28% the normal, full price! On EVERYTHING in my store!!! Woo-Hoo!!! Simply enter the code "BTS12" when you check out. Easy peasy!
Well I'm off to build up my TpT Wish List. Because just like the funny comic in this week's TpT newsletter, adding things to my TpT Wish List is SO much more fun than any chore I need to do at the moment!!!
Happy Shopping! And Happy Back to School!!! Can't wait 'til Sunday! :)
Thursday, August 9, 2012
A Little Cord Organization
Cords, cords, cords. Ugh. A cord to this computer, a cord to that. A cord to the fan, a cord to the printer, a cord to my mini fridge, the list could seriously keep going on and on. But today, it is I who conquered my cords!
It may have taken me all morning, but I went into my classroom, moved around my computers, and decided that after 2 years of crazy cords behind my student computers, it was time for some organization! So, after I untied numerous knots, sorted out what went to what, I got it all straightened out. And, man, let me just say, does it look beautimus now! :) (Yes, it really was NOT my plan to spend all morning on that one tiny task, but I guess it was totally worth it!)
So, after I got it all sorted, I tied them togethered by computer with colored ribbons. Each computer has a different color, so that way they don't get mixed up again! Here, take a look:
![]() |
You can't REALLY see, but they have white, pink, blue, and yellow bows! |
AND, if that's not organized enough, I went ahead and tied a color coded knot down by the outlets to "label" which plugs went with which sets! How organized am I?!?! :)
So, one teensy task down today, and about 3274927402 more before school starts on the 27th! Aye, aye, aye...I may be starting to get a little overwhelmed here...but, I truly am proud of my one supery dee duper mega organizational triumph today!!! :)
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Creating new products, finding fun graphics, and entering some giveaways!!!
I can't believe summer is already winding down! Only 2 short weeks and I'll be back to school. Craziness!!! I'm sure plenty of you all have already started again (or never even "got out", so I'm sure you're not pitying me in the least!)
I technically feeeeeel as though I've already started back, though! I'm doing another summer camp this week, and I've been working my fingers to the bone, typing away, creating lots of new products (mainly for myself, but some to share/sell, too). This week's camp is a bit more relaxing, though. It's all sweet, amazing little girls in a fun "Enchanted Tea Party" themed week. Really, what can go wrong with that?! Nothing! :)
Anyways, I can't wait to get back in the swing of things, both up at school, and here in the blogging world! I really do feel as though I've been M.I.A. all summer long-- it's been CRAZY busy trying to do work on my house, yardwork, school workshops and development classes, getting Teapots & What-Nots up and running, and much, much more. I really do think I'll be less busy (and probably less stressed!) once school starts up again. How ironic is that?! :)
So, I thought I'd share some fun new finds with you all, which include some AH-mazing FREEBIES and even a GIVEAWAY! None of it's mine, but ALL of it is worth it!!!
First up is the Sugar Hill Co. Commercial Use Graphics Freebie Blog Train! Confused by the super long title? Don't be! All it is, is a fun way to click through graphic designer blogs to snag some cute clip art and designs FOR FREE! (AND, since it is all "commercial use", you can use it all in your TpT docs! Woo-Hoo!) Just click on the cute icon below to start your adventure:
Also, I wanted to share one last fun GIVEAWAY with you all. Rhonda, one of the talented designers that sells through SHCO, is hosting a Great Graphics Giveaway, with over $3,000 in prizes! So definitely check out her site, too, to snag some freebies and enter in the drawing for fabulous clip art that you can also use on all of your TpT or TN products. Good luck! I'm definitely crossing my fingers for a win on this one!
Well I hope you didn't miss me too, terribly much. And, I hope that this yummy post makes up for my absence. I promise I'll be back full time soon enough! (And you know when I do come back, I'll be bringing lots of fun ideas and freebies with me!)
Happy Wednesday!
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